From Potato Peel Waste to Energy: A Sustainable Solution in Southeast Asia

In Southeast Asia, one of the largest potato chips manufacturers had a big plan – they wanted to boost their production capacity with a new potato chips line, churning out 1500 Kg/Hr of delicious chips.

But making potato chips is not easy on the environment. It uses a lot of water and energy, and it creates a ton of waste in the form of peels and organic materials.

The Challenge:
The high water and energy use were big challenges. But there were other issues too:

  1. Water Treatment Struggles: Their water treatment plant was under pressure.
  2. Drain Blockages: The drains kept getting clogged.
  3. Messy and Smelly Peels: Wet peels created hygiene and odor problems.
  4. Bio-Waste Hassles: They didn’t know how to handle all the organic waste.

Our Solution:
At E.W, we’re all about finding sustainable solutions. We proposed a complete system to recycle water and recover potato peels:

  1. Peel Separation: We used a special screen to separate the wet peels from the water.
  2. Mud Separation: With a clever hydro cyclone system, we separated the mud from the water.
  3. Peel Compaction: We compacted the peels into a solid mass.

The Results:
Our solution worked wonders: